Tuesday, November 4, 2014


From the Right-Side...

Riches lurk in strange places, so start looking for them. I did, thanks to the story I just read about billions of dollars in unclaimed lottery winnings and the dream of a man, Brett Jacobson. His free app wants to help us grab our  loot by sending notifications to our phone.

Reading the words, billions of dollars just hanging out there like low-hanging fruit, got me jazzed and I pulled out several purses and started digging for lottery gold.

Well, guess what I found? Too many shopping receipts, ticket stubs, but not a single old lottery ticket.  However, to my delight among the crumpled papers lurked a card for an almost-free appetizer and that is pure gold.  I don't need an app to claim this beauty.

Now, this smart kid (no idea of his age) Jacobson, is probably on his way to lottery riches via this app, all because we are too lazy to pull out those numbers and check them. The details of this app are pretty mundane...provide your numbers and they contact you if you win; blah, blah, blah.

Will I get this app for the one lottery ticket I buy here and there? Maybe.

Yeah, just when you thought there could not possibly be any new apps to junk-up your phone, here is one we can not do without! Can we?

Let's see if the Left-Side of this blog will clash with this opinion!

Gotta dash,

From the Left-Side...

Name anything these days and you'll hear, "There's an app for that!"

And that's probably right. At last check both the Itunes store and the Google Play store both had over one million apps . . and counting.

Despite that, research has shown most of us use less than 10 apps on a regular basis, regardless of how many we might have downloaded on our phones and tablets.

Do I want an app to tell me if I've won the lottery? 

According to Matt, writing on the University of Cambridge website, Naked Scientists:

"If you start playing when you're 16 and you cease playing when you're 86, is that reasonable?  It will give us 70 years of non-stop playing.  So that’s about one hundred games per year.  So, you'll end up doing about 7,000 games across your lifetime.  What you need to do is, if it’s originally 1 in 14 million, we’ll divide that by the 7,000 games you're going to play because you'll have 7,000 chances to win and you end up with 2,000.  So, you need to have 2,000 lifetimes to expect to win the lottery."

Sorry Right-Side, I'll have to take a pass on a lottery app. Now, if I could get my hands on that camera from that Twilight Zone episode that took pictures of the future ...

The Left-Side

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