Wednesday, November 5, 2014


From the Right-Side...

As I mentioned in the first blog post, I do not approve of compiled lists of favorites. Movies are subjective. Don't tell me what to think, I've been doing that for quite some time.

The Left-Side can vouch for this fact.

I don't read movie reviews before checking out a new flick for myself. I'm quirky. I may even have questionable taste. Whatever I may be, I decide for myself what I like with little or no help from the Peanut Gallery (you may need to look that up, depending on the age factor).

Take that sappy, crappy movie, Steel Magnolias. It is so beloved, by so many persons out there (I suggest they also have questionable taste in film). Please note, the photo is from Amazon as I do not own this, um, jewel.

The very name  grates on my last nerve and watching it (I did, but only once) is intolerable. Those accents (now in So-Flo, I was born in Texas, so I get to say this) are mostly ear-splitting and cringe-worthy. Southern chicks, Julia and Dolly, sorry (not really).

My love of film is vast and varied, but I make up my own list of favorites and beloved. You don't have to agree with me, probably wouldn't if I compiled a list. My Netflix and Amazon streaming is a hot mess of everything.

Now, the blah I feel toward the magnolia ladies, is not personal. In fact, I absolutely adore Shirley MacLaine in, The Apartment and Gambit. No, I just find the movie vapid, sappy and it tries way too hard to make me emotional. It fails, on every level.

Will the Left-Side clash on this topic? Does he peruse Rotten Tomatoes with zeal prior to a cinema selection? Does he like trash as  I do (Troop Beverly Hills, I am looking at you), action or drama?

Gotta dash,
The Right-Side


From The Left-Side...

Sorry R-S, but I put Magnolias in the "chick flick" bucket and so cannot actually comment on the merits, or lack thereof, for that particular movie. But, about movie selection in general:

I do consult on occasion with Rotten Tomatoes, check out reviews, read the comments and used to always check in with Leonard Maltin's movie bible religiously. But at the end of the day, I make up my own mind.

Talk about movie taste that runs amok ... I can be watching Citizen Kane one minute and The Ghost and Mr. Chicken the next. And you have to love anything by the King of the B-movies, Roger Corman (R-S, I didn't see that Corman classic, Attack of the Crab Monsters, mentioned on your list. What's up with that?).

Bottom line, movie greatness is in the eye of the beholder. One person's movie trash is another person's movie treasure. Come to think of it, the trashier the better, most of the time.

L-S signing off to get a bag of popcorn and curl up with I Was a Teenage Werewolf.

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