Tuesday, June 9, 2015


From The Right-Side...

So, the other day was National Donut Day, and a tiny yawn erupted from my sleep-deprived face.

I shun DAYS, and getting into long queues with random cheap people. I prefer to be cheap, solo.

But, then I hear, via Business Insider, that Dunkin' Donuts is testing home delivery of their food products. Stifling my yawn, I felt a tingle of interest.
Can home delivery donuts be far behind?
Getting their coffee home-delivered is nothing new for The Dunk (I like to pretend familiarity). Well, ;you have to add the water, but you get the picture. If you don't, I provided it for you.

But, back to donuts, right at the door. Now, that is something I can endorse.

I get that some donut-snobs (I am not judging their taste, just an observation) think the D-Donuts are not really donuts. Not me. Sugary dough, served up in a clump, washed down with coffee? Sounds about good enough.

According to the story, the testing is in the very early stages, don't expect it soon; blah, blah, blah. However, a perfect-storm-meal is already forming in my head.

Friday Night Menu-Home Delivered:

*Chinese Food (assortment of Dumplings, Sesame Chicken and Rice, etc., etc.).

*Pizza (for later, because we will get hungry again).

*Dunkin' Donuts (they better have evening delivery), one dozen (more?) assortment.


Wait, to complete the savory and sweet party, we need to have a conversation with Total Wine. I want to see some delivery guy, sashay up to the door with chilled (this will vary each Friday).

I mean coffee is great, but isn't always the answer.

Now, THAT is perfection.

Gotta dash...


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