Monday, March 9, 2015


From The Right-Side...

Did you hear that ugly-ass flared jeans are swirling all over the fashion runways?
Get your flare on.

Go to your closet today and pull every pair of skinny jeans into a stylish garbage bag and put it to the curb (trash chute, whatever). They are OVER.

Skinny jeans get to stay in my closet.
Don't even think about wearing skinny one day and flared the next. You must CHOOSE and it had better be flared if you have any sense of style. 

We must not let Anna Wintour down.

Letting flared and skinny share closet space is NOT allowed. There is only room for one!

Anna, here's looking at you...while wearing my skinny jeans. I never claimed to be stylish.


The year...2007.

A new kitchen appliance catches my eye...Keurig (hot beverage maker).
Sorry about the recycling, but Keurig stays.

Before I uttered the words, HOT JAVA, I tossed one into my cart at Bed, Bath & Beyond, along with every variety of pods they offered.

The Left-Side drinks tea (iced),  so the pods were perfect and  my Tassimo maker made the scene at Goodwill with all possible dispatch.

The year...2015...six Keurigs later...the maker of  Keurig has gone public with a bunch of whining. He moans a load of regret that he invented the thing. The pods can not be recycled, and he is bummed for what he has done to the planet.


He is bummed that he only got paid $50,000 when he sold his marvelous invention.

Dude, cry into a kitchen towel, invent new pods that can be recycled, use your own coffee in the reusable Keurig pod, or move on!

Gotta dash...


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