Tuesday, March 31, 2015


From The Right-Side...

Call me a penny-pincher (The Left-Side finds hilarity in that idea), but I am just going to go ahead and take a HUGE pass on the Tidal wave that is coming from Jay Z and his rich and musical buddies.
My iDevices hold my iMusic. I'm good.

Rolling Stone reports that Tidal was purchased for many millions. Does the exact amount even matter?

Now, the new kids on the tidal wave (Madonna is one) want $10.00-$20.00 per month to stream music into your head and heart.

As a lifetime lover of music, I have the music in me (Kiki Dee, I bow). Music flows via our cable system, iPads, iPhones, satellite radio, and CD (yeah, but rarely these days).

I pay for music, always have, I don't have a problem with musicians making cash. They should.

So, if the artists joining J 'n Bey, get richer from this, and have control over their product, swell.

However, like joining a book club, wine club or any other such outlet, I am not one to make the most of a pre-planned-purchasing situation. I am more of a free-spirit-purchaser.

In my world, music channels come with cable (they are not that great, so we play our iTunes through our television system, a lot), Amazon Prime has free music (in the sense that we are Prime members) and I haunt and search iTunes on a very regular basis.  For $.99, I get what I want, when I want it and it stays on my iDevices (invented that term, don't tell Apple). In a pinch, LS and I can even resort to VINYL we have stashed. So, I'm good.

But, good luck with Tidal, all you multi-millionaire music moguls. Rock on.


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